Wednesday, August 11, 2010

breath... breath..

I thought I had done well. I'd prayed. I tried simply walking away. Then I'd tried being honest. constructive-in a nice way. Had an intervention meeting for crying out loud. I was supportive, gave the benefit of the doubt. attempted to have his back " he is trying- give him time. " but my BOSS painted his zebra stripes white. He hasn't attempted to be better at all!
I've tried... but I'm burnt out. 5 years and I've never dreaded going to work. I've never seriously considered job hunting. until lately. Its not exactly feasible and the thought of having to simple "deal" makes my eyes water with frustration.

How do you love the unlovely.
thats what my best friend said when she didn't know what to do with this woman she had to deal with. its what i think when I hear my boss's name. I signed on to vent on here. My poor mother and co supervisor already got my rant via the phone- nothing helping... then I got this

so I'm going to spar you my rant. - you took a sigh of relief right ;) -
INSTEAD, I'm going to be thankful i have tomorrow off. I'm going to remember that in the past my co workers and patients are what made me endure the rest. I'm going to go get endorphins at the gym and eat some sort of sweet treat.
REMIND MY SELF WITH A STICKY NOT That God will help me to love the unlovely until I can tell the unlovely one GOOD RADIANCE! . :)
( mark my words that will be exactly what I say )

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